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"The Triad of the Great Gods"

Many centuries before the time of Christ, there were triads, or trinities, of gods in ancient Babylonia and Assyria. The French "Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology" notes one such triad in that Mesopotamian area: "The universe was divided into three regions each of which became the domain of a god. Anu's share was the sky. the earth was given to Enlil. Ea became the ruler of the waters. Together they constituted the triad of the Great Gods."
Apostasy Foretold
This disreputable history of the Trinity fits in with what Jesus and his apostles foretold would follow their time.They said that there would be an apostasy, a deviation, a falling aways from true worship until Christ's return, when true worship would be restored before God's day of destruction of "this system of things".
Regarding that "day", the apostle Paul said: "It will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed." (2 Thessalonians 2:3,7) Later, he foretold: "When I have gone fierce wolves will invade you and will have no mercy on the flock. Even from your own ranks there will be men coming forward with a travesty of the truth on their lips to induce the disciples to follow them." (Acts 20:29,30,JB) Other disciples of Jesus also wrote of this apostasy with its 'lawless' clergy class.-See, for example, 2Peter 2:1; 1John 4:1-3; Jude 3,4.
Paul also wrote: "The time is sure to come when, far from being content with sound teaching, people will be avid for the latest novelty and collect themselves a whole series of teachers according to their own tastes; and then, instead of listening to the truth, they will turn to myths."-2Timothy 4:3,4,JB.
Jesus himself explained what was behind this falling away from true worship. He said that he had sowed good seeds but that the enemy, Satan, would oversow the field with weeds. So along with the first blades of wheat, the weeds appeared also. Thus, a deviation from pure Christianity was to be expected until the harvest, when Christ would set matters right (Matthew 13:24-43) The Encyclopedia Americana comments: "Fourth century Trinitarianism did not reflect accurately early Christian teaching regarding the nature of God; it was, on the contrary, a deviation from this teaching." Where, then, did this deviation orginate?-1 Timothy 1:6.
Next: Trinitarianism - What influenced It? Watch out for Chapter 9, Post number 9.
Apostasy Foretold
This disreputable history of the Trinity fits in with what Jesus and his apostles foretold would follow their time.They said that there would be an apostasy, a deviation, a falling aways from true worship until Christ's return, when true worship would be restored before God's day of destruction of "this system of things".
Regarding that "day", the apostle Paul said: "It will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed." (2 Thessalonians 2:3,7) Later, he foretold: "When I have gone fierce wolves will invade you and will have no mercy on the flock. Even from your own ranks there will be men coming forward with a travesty of the truth on their lips to induce the disciples to follow them." (Acts 20:29,30,JB) Other disciples of Jesus also wrote of this apostasy with its 'lawless' clergy class.-See, for example, 2Peter 2:1; 1John 4:1-3; Jude 3,4.
Paul also wrote: "The time is sure to come when, far from being content with sound teaching, people will be avid for the latest novelty and collect themselves a whole series of teachers according to their own tastes; and then, instead of listening to the truth, they will turn to myths."-2Timothy 4:3,4,JB.
Jesus himself explained what was behind this falling away from true worship. He said that he had sowed good seeds but that the enemy, Satan, would oversow the field with weeds. So along with the first blades of wheat, the weeds appeared also. Thus, a deviation from pure Christianity was to be expected until the harvest, when Christ would set matters right (Matthew 13:24-43) The Encyclopedia Americana comments: "Fourth century Trinitarianism did not reflect accurately early Christian teaching regarding the nature of God; it was, on the contrary, a deviation from this teaching." Where, then, did this deviation orginate?-1 Timothy 1:6.
Next: Trinitarianism - What influenced It? Watch out for Chapter 9, Post number 9.
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